Are you a gnome that's tired of humans trampling your plants? Wish you could just... get rid of them? Well, fear not, for this cozy little game allows you to outlet that fury in a calming and relaxing way. It's easy---simply defeat the humans and use their remains to help your plants grow. Gnome-more pesky humans ruining your garden and making a mess of The Yard!

[Disclaimer: This game is a cozy game for gnomes and intended to be played by such individuals. If you are not a gnome, you may not find this game "cozy". Please be a gnome to experience maximum coziness.]


- Use arrow keys to move and jump
- z to pick up/drop weapons
- space bar to attack
- x to harvest human remains as well as fertilize plants

NOTE#1: You may have noticed that the game looks awful and does not function well. This is because it is unfinished. I'm planning on polishing it up more when I have the time later and when I'm not stressing about finals and other chaos, so shush , I'll get to it eventually (:

If you're curious, I'd like to eventually add:
- Health bars for both humans and gnome(s)
- plant shop where you can buy seeds
- ability to harvest what you grow
- more weapons
- buffs from the plants you grow
- random events
- humans will actually trample plants
- bigger yard with minor platforming challenges
- day/night cycle
- allies & pets
- tripping
- armor
- better art with more details
- home customization
- more buildings
- Multiplayer...? (:

NOTE#2: Wow! I did not expect to get such positive feedback, so thank you to everyone. Please feel free to comment any suggestions or criticisms that you may have!

Updated 25 days ago
Published 26 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


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Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy what I have so far ^^